Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How to Search for People Free Online

There are many ways to search for people free on the web.  Some of these ways lead to a paid option for all of the results and there are some ways to search people for free, no charge to you.  Also, there are clues from the paid search sites that can help you locate a person with the free method listed below.

The method you are about to learn can be used at anytime to search for people for free.  A suggestion would be to test this technique on yourself to see that it works, then use it on other people you know before finding a person that you are unsure of their location.

Let's start by searching your information for free.  We will start with your name first then add data that will narrow down the search and pinpoint all of your records.  Type you name into the Google search engine with quotes placed around your name.  You may end up with hundreds or even thousands of matches to your people search.  If you name is not as common, you may have found your info already.

Now let's get down to the nuts and bolts of how to search for people for free.  After you put your name in quotes, you need to hit the space bar, add a plus symbol, then the space bar again.  Now add another piece of information in quotes such as a state, city, middle name, family member or age.  The results should narrow down considerably depending on where your first search began.  Now keep adding data to the search engine with plus symbols and other clues to narrow down results even more until you find your own records.

Now try this on someone you know such as a neighbor, friend or relative.  See if you can find them and also get some practice as to how this technique works to search people free online.  Once you feel comfortable, read on to learn how to find clues the person you are having a tough time finding.

Gather all of the data on the person you are searching for.  Now place any information into the search engine as listed above to see what you get.  If you do not have any other clues to share, then you will have to go out and get them.

One tip that continues to be used, is to go to any paid people search site and just type in the person's name.  You may have to start with a particular state to narrow down the results.  List your top 5 states to start with.  Now sift through the results and see what names, middle included, age, family member or city matches up with the person you are searching for.  Age is a big help as well as family members to really narrow a search to the right person.

Write all of the clues that you think are helpful and go back to the Google search engine and place the names in quotes and use pluses as mentioned above.  This will hopefully be enough information to finally people search for free, no charge to you.  Hopefully this has been helpful information on how to search where people live.  If so, please share or pass on a like to others.

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